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Our Lead Pastor

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

A native of Lancaster county, began ministering in Spindale, N. C. from 1972 to 1975. In 1976 he returned to Pennsylvania to serve as Assistant Pastor with his father, Founding Pastor Luke Weaver, Sr. at Grace Chapel in Harrisburg, PA. In 1986, under the direction of the Holy Spirit and the oversight of Pastor Luke Weaver and the Elders, Mel and his wife, Rosemary became the Senior Pastors of Grace Chapel after the new facility was built in Elizabethtown, PA. God has been faithful to the Weavers as they took the challenge and continued to encourage the various areas of ministry at Grace Chapel as well as a Missions program that conducts an annual convention reflecting the one central theme of ministry . . . WORLD MISSIONS.

Besides facilitating the various ministries at Grace Chapel, Pastor Weaver is actively involved in the Harrisburg area (Capital Region Pastors’ Network) as well as the Lancaster Region network of pastors. He is Vice President of the Board of Directors for ACT (Association of Christian Truckers), Brownstown, Ill, a division of Gospel Crusade, Inc. in Bradenton, FL. He has traveled and ministered in the Philippine Islands, Haiti, Israel, Paraguay, Venezuela, and Canada. He is a 1970 graduate of International Bible College in San Antonio, TX, where he earned his Bachelors Degree in Theology.

Mel and his wife, Rosemary, reside in Elizabethtown, and are the proud parents of five children who are actively serving the Lord in the areas where they reside. The Weavers have been blessed with ten grandchildren, which include three sets of twins, and also, one great-grandchild.