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PLEASE NOTE: While we are still meeting on Wednesday nights at 6:30 for School of the Spirit, this course has been temporarily put on hold. Please join us every Wednesday night for teaching, prayer and fellowship! 


…Ye Have Need That One Teach You Again Which Be The First Principles Of The Oracles Of God… – Hebrews 5:12

The writer of the book of Hebrews makes it appointed to address the importance of relooking at the foundation of the “First Principles” of the oracles of God in order to grow in the knowledge and revelation of Christ and all that God has now established and made available through His only Son.

Here at Grace Chapel we are providing teaching that causes us to once again re-look at the core foundational doctrines/rudiments that the scriptures teach. This has been designed to cause one to easily follow along, just as well as identify the passages covered throughout each lesson. Often in class, more passages are elaborated upon as revelations are being discovered and discussed!

Here we are providing each lesson as they are released a week after the next lesson is first released and taught in class. First-hand copies are provided when in class, as there is a total of 18 lessons throughout this course (some including 2 part/sub-lessons).

We hope you can join us on Wednesday nights here at 6:30pm in Grace Chapel and that you find this course a blessing and strength to the foundation of your walk with Jesus.

The following are lessons you may copy and print, that’s been covered so far.

New lessons are first released in person when in class and will be listed online after.

(Please scroll to the bottom of the following list for the most recent lesson)

History of The English Bible

Lesson 1: Why Study Doctrine?

 Lesson 2: Understanding The Importance of Bible Study

Lesson 3: Understanding The Bible

Lesson 4: Understanding God

Lesson 5: Understanding Creation & Man

Lesson 6: Satan, Sin, and The Fall of Man

Lesson 7: Understanding Jesus Christ

Lesson 8: The Message & Ministry of Jesus Christ

Lesson 9: Understanding The Mission of Jesus Christ 

Lesson 10.1: Understanding Repentance

Lesson 10.2: The Cross- The Finished Work

Lesson 10.3: Faith Toward God

Lesson 11: Understanding Water Baptism

Lesson 12.1: Understanding Spirit Baptism

Lesson 12.2: Understanding The Laying on of Hands

Lesson 13: Understanding the Gifts of The Spirit

Lesson 14: Understanding Financial Stewardship & Giving

Lesson 15.1: Understanding The Church (part 1)